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Your Donation Makes A World of Difference!

Your tax-deductible donation allows us to provide essential educational opportunities to our students!  Education is the best investment you can make. There are several ways to make a donation:

  • Make a General Donation: General donations benefit our students and donated to programs with the most need.

  • Donate to our Parent-Teacher Clubs (PTC): Donations to PTC support our students and teachers. PTC hosts events such as Supper with Santa, Trunk-or-Treat, or After-Prom. In addition, they coordinate teacher appreciation luncheons for our staff.

    • Donate to our ES Parent-Teacher Club

    • Donate to our MS Parent-Teacher Club

    • Donate to our HS Parent-Teacher Club

  • Donate to Booster Club: Donations made to Booster Club directly support our athletics programs.

  • Donate to Farm-to-School Program: Donations made to our Farm-to-School Program support our organic garden, culinary education for students, and sourcing local foods.

Service Hours

Did you know a monetary donation can count towards your volunteer hours? Every $10 counts towards one volunteer hour. In other words, a one-time $350 donation would cover your volunteer hours for the year. There is a 2-step process to donate funds to cover volunteer hours.

  • Step 1: Donate
    Make a donation to one of our school programs listed above, or make a general donation.

  • Step 2: Log Your Donated Hours
    To log your donated hours, click here. Please choose “Monetary Donation” and enter the number of hours paid for. For instance, if a $150 donation was made, enter 15 hours.

We appreciate you making a difference for our students and teachers!