Elementary School Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
School Start & End Times
Start Time:
The school bell rings at 8:00 a.m. Students should go to their classrooms to begin preparing for classes.
Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. will be considered tardy. Any student arriving after 8:00 a.m. should walk to the front office with their parent to sign in and receive a tardy pass to class.
End Time:
School dismissal is from 3:05 p.m. to 3:25 p.m.
School breakfast begins at 7:30 a.m.
Students eating breakfast may enter the cafeteria between 7:30 and 7:40 a.m. and should be dropped off at the front of the building and enter through the far west door.
Morning Supervision:
Supervision on the playground begins at 7:40 a.m.
Students arriving before 7:40 a.m. need to remain with their guardian until the gates are opened by staff. Students will enter through the back gate or the west front door entrances beginning at 7:40 a.m.
Drop-Off Procedures
Drop-off locations are not assigned. Students may be dropped off in the following areas in the morning: Garden Drive, Diamond Valley Drive, and Academy Court.
All Location Drop-Off Map
Garden Drive, Diamond Valley Drive, and Academy Court:
Do not park your vehicle. No parking is allowed at any of these three drop-off locations.
Drop-off lines are meant to move continually. Pull your vehicle all the way forward until the drop-off line has stopped.
Prepare your student to exit the car with backpacks and water bottles quickly.
Students will always exit a vehicle from the sidewalk. Students should not walk around the car into the street.
Do not wait for staff to come and open doors.
Using a blinker, merge from the drop-off line into ongoing traffic to allow cars to pull forward, filling empty spaces.
Do not make a U-turn at any time. Drivers should never have to make a U-turn if they follow our designated routes.
Logistics Parking Lot:
The Logistics Parking Lot is the only drop-off location where parking is permitted.
Park your vehicle and walk your child to the building using the crosswalk on Academy Court.
Academy Court Drop-Off Map
Academy Court Drop-Off Map
Academy Court can be used beginning at 7:30 a.m. for students eating breakfast in the cafeteria and at 7:40 a.m. for all other students.
Drivers should enter Academy Court from either direction on Diamond Valley and proceed west on Academy Court along the front sidewalk to drop off students.
Students will enter through the west doors.
To exit, use the cul-de-sac to turn around. Do not make a U-turn.
Drivers only have the option to make a right turn at the Academy Court and Diamond Valley stop sign. Do not turn left.
Garden Drive Drop-Off Map
Garden Drive Drop-Off Map
Garden Drive can be used beginning at 7:40 a.m.
Drivers should proceed east along Garden Drive and drop off students near the gate.
Students will enter the playground through the back gate.
To exit, use blinker to merge into traffic and make a left onto Technology Circle.
Do not make a U-turn on Garden Drive.
Diamond Valley Drive Drop-Off Map
Diamond Valley Drive Drop Off-Map
Diamond Valley Drive can be used beginning at 7:40 a.m.
Diamond Valley is a drop-off zone only; parking on Diamond Valley, including Garden Drive north of Future Legends, is no longer permitted.
Drive north on Diamond Valley; when you reach the corner, turn right on Garden Drive and pull forward to the drop-off zone.
The drop-off zone is only on Garden Drive, where staff members are stationed to assist.
Students will cross Diamond Valley with the assistance of a crossing guard.
Exit around the cul-de-sac and proceed west on Garden Drive.
Logistics Parking Lot Drop-Off Map
Logistics Parking Lot Drop-Off Map
The Logistics Parking Lot is the only drop-off location where parking is permitted.
Park your vehicle and walk your child to the building using the crosswalk and crossing guard on Academy Court.
Students can enter through the front of the building or through the back gate to enter the playground.
WCA does not staff the Logistics Parking Lot in the mornings.
Pick-Up Procedures
Pick-up locations are assigned by group and last name. Students may be picked up after school at Garden Drive, Diamond Valley Drive, and the Logistics Parking Lot.
Group Designations
School dismissal is from 3:05 p.m. to 3:25 p.m. Families are divided into two groups to ensure traffic flows efficiently.
Group 1: Families with elementary students only.
Group 2: Families with students in both buildings.
All Location Pick-Up Map
Pick-Up Procedures & Maps
Academy Court & The Front Office
There are a few very important reminders about this location:
Academy Court is not a pick-up location.
No parking is permitted on Academy Court during pick-up times.
Academy Court is to be used for daycare vans only.
The front office is not a pick-up location.
Please do not come to pick up your child in the front office during our designated pick-up times.
If a student has an appointment, please pick them up prior to 3:05 p.m.
Garden Drive Pick-Up Map
Garden Drive Pick-Up Map - Red Route
Use Automation Drive to enter the queuing line for Garden Drive. As traffic moves forward, drivers can turn right onto Garden Drive.
Do not enter Garden Drive from Hwy 257. Entering Garden Drive from Hwy 257 during pick-up backs up traffic onto the highway, causes delays, and interferes with traffic flow at our MS/HS building.
Drive east on Garden Drive and pull forward to the pick-up zone.
Students should enter the car on the passenger side.
To exit, turn right on Diamond Valley Drive.
Diamond Valley East Pick-Up Map
Diamond Valley Drive Pick-Up Map - Yellow Route
To enter the queuing line for Diamond Valley Drive during pick-up, proceed north on Diamond Valley. When you reach the corner, turn right on Garden Drive and pull forward to the loading zone.
Students should enter the car on the passenger side.
Exit around the cul-de-sac and proceed west on Garden Drive.
Logistics Parking Lot Pick-Up Map
Logistics Parking Lot Pick-Up Map - Purple Route
To enter the queuing line for Logistics Drive, drive north on Automation Drive. Turn right onto Logistics Drive.
Turn left into the Logistics Drive parking lot.
Drive forward and form two pick-up lines.
Students should enter the car on the passenger side.
Exit the Logistics Parking Lot, making a right-hand turn onto Logistics Drive.
Walking Between School Buildings
Safe Walking Routes Between Buildings
Students are considered “walkers” if they are designated by a guardian to walk or ride their bike home, to a parent’s local business, or the middle/high school building.
Designated walkers will be held until 3:25 p.m.
Safe walking routes have been established for students who walk to or from the middle/high school building. Students should use the sidewalks on Automation Drive and Garden Drive. Morning and afternoon crossing guards are at the Automation and Garden Drive intersection.
Model Courteous Behavior
Families are asked not to park in designated staff parking lots.
Out of respect to our neighboring businesses, please do not park at Timberline Gymnastics Academy, Future Legends Sports Complex, Snaptron, or other entities.
Refrain from talking on your cell phone to ensure the safety of our students and staff.
Utilize a crosswalk at all times. Encourage students to do the same.
Drivers should always remain in line and not cut in front of others.