We will be holding our Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday, October 6th from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. All of our teachers will be available in the MS/HS Gym for conferences. Parents can stop by and visit with their student’s teachers on this day.
Homecoming Dance Guests & Parent Volunteers
Homecoming Dance
Our Homecoming Dance is Saturday, October 1st from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 and will be sold at the door (cash only). Non-WCA students must have a guest form signed by their school administrator turned into the front office before Thursday, September 29th. Guests will not be admitted without a signed form.
Homecoming Parent Volunteers
We are looking for parent volunteers to help during our bonfire and to clean up after the dance. Please sign up to earn your community service hours!
Picture Retake Day
Academic Support Reminder
Senior Parking Space Painting
Designated Pick-Up Locations
Ms. Seneca's Counselor Corner: National Suicide Prevention Month
Infinite Campus
Homecoming Week & Spirit Week
CTE Opportunities Fair
The Career & Technical Education (CTE) Opportunities Fair is an opportunity for high school juniors and seniors to establish contacts and relationships with potential trade schools and businesses. The CTE Opportunities Fair will be held on September 29th at the Windsor Recreation Center from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Boettcher Foundation Scholarship
The Boettcher Foundation Scholarship application cycle is now open to all qualifying high school seniors. Please visit the Boettcher Foundation's website for more information.
Feminine Product Donations
Graduation & Class Ring Orders
College Counselor Parent Webinar
VEX Robotics Club
eSports Team
Friday Dress Down Day
Student Council hosts a fundraiser every Friday and students can pay $1 to dress down. With this donation, students can wear ripped jeans, sweat pants, leggings, and hats. Please note that this differs from our day-to-day Dress Code Policy. Students should adhere to the Dress Code Policy every other day of the week.
Junior Parent Meeting
Yesterday, we sent an email to our junior parents with an incorrect meeting link. The Junior Parent Meeting will be held tonight at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom. Please click here to access the meeting.