Our HS VEX Robotics team were awarded two tournament championship trophies over the last two weeks! At the Colorado Early College Fort Collins VEX Robotics tournament, our teams “Phynix” and “Only Temporary” both made it to the finals. Our third team “Controlled Chaos” was knocked out by Only Temporary in the semi-finals by 11 points.
Congratulations to our Honor Roll Students!
Attention Seniors Graduating with an A.A. or A.S. Degree
"I Am Connected" Campaign
Changing State Graduation Requirements
Starting with the Class of 2021, the state of Colorado is implementing new graduation guidelines. In addition to WCA’s credit requirements, all students must also meet one minimum benchmark in English and math using a variety of measures.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Accuplacer Exams
Senior Capstone Presentations
Valentine's Dance
Our Student Council is planning a Valentine’s Dance on Saturday, February 8th from 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. in the gymnasium. Tickets will go on sale soon! If you are interested in being a parent volunteer, please sign up here.
Important Information for Parents of Juniors and Seniors
High School Course Registration
More Information on SAT Essay Registration
The CollegeBoard and the Colorado Department of Education have provided additional information on taking the optional SAT with essay portion. To download the full flyer, please click here.
ALICE Information Night
Our School Safety Committee is hosting an ALICE Parent Information Night on Wednesday, January 22nd from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. in our high school gymnasium. If you are interested in attending, please register here.
Textbook Reimbursements
11th Grade SAT Math Prep Sessions
Colorado Student Leaders Institute
The University of Colorado Denver will host the state’s best and brightest high schoolers this summer and WCA students are encouraged to apply!
New Scholarship Opportunity from Heuser & Heuser, L.L.P. Injury Lawyers
Ask the Experts: How Do Colleges Make Admission Decisions?
Have you ever wondered how colleges make decisions on student admissions? Learn from a panel of college admissions experts on January 27th from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Liberty Common High School! A panel of Directors of Admissions from Colorado State University, University of Denver, and Colorado School of Mines will be presenting.