We are excited to announce that Lindsay Yackey, 2nd grade teacher at WCA, has been nominated for the Teacher Tuesday award!
2021-2022 MS & HS Cheer Team Tryouts Open to Current 5th - 11th Graders
Now Hiring: Middle School Math Teacher
Save the Date: CMAS Testing for In-Person and Online Students
Students at Windsor Charter Academy will be taking their Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) tests in April! CMAS tests are meaningful and relevant assessments that support rigorous academic standards. The state’s summative tests measure students’ mastery of grade-level standards and growth over time.
Coaches Needed
Donating WCA's Grand Piano
Part-Time Openings for Paraprofessional & Food Service Positions
REQUIRED: Student Re-Enrollment Survey
**If you already completed the Student Re-Enrollment Survey that was sent via email please disregard this post.**
It is time to start planning for the 2021-2022 school year. We are asking all Windsor Charter Academy families to complete a Student Re-Enrollment Survey for the 2021-2022 school year. One survey needs to be completed for each child currently enrolled at Windsor Charter Academy.
Trusted Adult Workshop: Start the Conversation
The Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment and RMC Health are hosting a free skill-building virtual workshop - Start the Conversation: How to Talk with Young People About Vaping, JUULS, and Other Electronic Nicotine Products. Register now for this free virtual workshop.