Our first grade students are ready to celebrate all they have learned in their Core Knowledge Unit - Ancient Egypt! First graders have been learning about the ancient civilization of Egypt. During their celebration, they will participate in different activities that support and enrich the Core Knowledge curriculum.
Kindergarten Core Knowledge Five Senses Spooky Celebration
Our kindergarten students are ready to celebrate all they have learned in their Core Knowledge Unit - Five Senses! Kindergarten students will have a fun Halloween celebration centered around the study of the human body. They will get to explore the five senses, the five food groups, play games, and create crafts.
Background Checks and Fast Passes
Bird Watchers Orientation
The Eight Keys of Excellence Family Program: Integrity
The 8 Keys of Excellence Family program deepens family relationships, opens lines of communication, and provides young people with eight proven life principles. Families can register for the 8 Keys of Excellence Family Program on their website and download the Program Packet.
Art Club Printmaking Showcase
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Breakfast Announcement
Bring Your Parent to PE Week
Lost and Found Items
3rd Grade Investigating Physical Forces Day & New Fast Pass Process
Innovation Night
Sign Up Genius for Elementary School Volunteer Opportunities
Original Works Art Fundraiser
Picture Retake Day
Picture Retake Day for our elementary school students will be held on Wednesday, October 19th. Please review the Dress Code Policy for information on formal dress uniform for Picture Day.
Box Tops for Education
Dress Code Reminders
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Safety Precautions
The Eight Keys of Excellence Family Program
The 8 Keys of Excellence Family program deepens family relationships, opens lines of communication, and provides young people with eight proven life principles. Families can register for the 8 Keys of Excellence Family Program on their website and download the Program Packet.