WCA High School Theatre is thrilled to present Shrek the Musical! This beloved story follows an unlikely hero—a grumpy but lovable ogre—who embarks on a life-changing journey with a wisecracking donkey, a fiery princess, and a crew of fairytale misfits straight out of the classic family film.
Save the Date: CMAS Testing
Students at Windsor Charter Academy will be taking their Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) tests in April! CMAS tests are meaningful and relevant assessments that support rigorous academic standards. The state’s summative tests measure students’ mastery of grade-level standards and growth over time.
Farm-to-School Newsletter
New Location for Executive Board Meetings
Open Board Positions - Spring 2025
Windsor Charter Academy is seeking candidates to fill two positions on our Executive Board! The Election Committee is now accepting applications from potential candidates. Executive Board Members serve as unpaid volunteers but contribute significantly to the leadership and strategic direction of our schools. The term for each position is three years.