Inclement Weather Procedures
Colorado weather is changing quickly! It is important that students are sent to school with appropriate clothing for cold and wet weather conditions. The weather and temperature are monitored throughout the school day.
When the temperature or wind chill is below 17 degrees and/or there is heavy precipitation, students will have indoor lunch recess.
Classroom teachers will provide indoor recess activities for students. Teachers will pick students up from the cafeteria and walk them to classrooms.
After School
Administration will monitor weather alerts and updates for severe weather. In the event of severe weather conditions that would make it difficult for students to wait at their regular pick-up location (i.e. heavy rain, blizzard conditions), we will initiate the inclement weather dismissal plan. Parents will be notified through email initiating the dismissal plan below based on forecasted weather:
Inclement Weather Dismissal:
Driveline will be used to dismiss students in two locations, Garden Drive (red location) and Academy Court (blue location). Students will stay in classrooms until their vehicle arrives.
Staff who have outside duty will assist students to their cars as they arrive.
Students will be dismissed based on their first initial of their last name.
Blue Cone: Students who are assigned to the Blue Cone for pick-up will stay in their classrooms until their name appears on the screen signifying that the pick-up person’s identification has been verified.
Daycare Vans: Administration will notify the front office when daycare vans arrive. An overhead announcement will be made to release students to Academy Court.
Walkers: Students who are walkers will not be released to walk in inclement weather due to safety concerns. Parents will need to pick them up using their Driveline number. If parents intend for students to walk home in inclement weather, the parent must call the front office to give their permission. The front office will contact the teacher.